Liana Santana
Standing, thumbs up, and eager to please, freshman Delaney Diehl, freshman McKenzie Deloach, freshman Kaden Fletcher, freshman Noah Rutherford, freshman Isaiah Rivera, and freshman Mia DeVane show their fresh faces and share their fierce opinions. “I would like to see, on our campus, access to culinary arts and woodworking classes,” said DeVane.
The face of future education can be determined by the young students who have come into the light and spoken their truth on aspects of the school system they believe should be altered. In this five-part series, multiple freshmen who attend Cypress Creek High School, address their concerns in Career Exposure and Course Opportunity, Classroom Respect and Structure, the Phone Crisis and Policy, Mental Health, and School Change with possible solutions for a better learning environment. In the first part of the series, six freshmen students at Cypress Creek High School speak up on career exposure and course opportunity.
Career Exposure and Course Opportunity
In this section of the series, six freshmen students at Cypress Creek High School give their input on Career Exposure and Course Opportunity. Such as, requiring classes that will benefit basic life skills in which will prepare them for their futures, and being open to multiple career fields that will give students the ability to begin taking an insider on what the careers they are interested in are all about.
“I feel like if we had more of a career choice in the beginning of high school, we could take courses that will open us up to more career opportunities. So, like we could pick a field and take electives in that field. And it would better our understanding for the future,” said freshman Delaney Diehl.
This idea may be beneficial to open up young adults in high school to many different fields in their lives rather than waiting until they are 18 to decide what they want to pursue in life. Although they may not know for sure what they specifically want to pursue in life, being open to multiple pathways at a younger age will expose students to many career choices in which will allow them to be less indecisive in the future.
At Cypress Creek High School, the College and Career Specialist Ms. Cassie Adley, has been able to reassure this claim by essentially stating that many students may not be aware of the opportunities already given to them at school and wishes they could take advantage of those opportunities. She said, “I do feel we do a lot here at Cypress Creek to prepare students for future careers. It is key for students to seek the people willing to help them.”
Ms. Adley has also given an insider on the multiple career exposure opportunities that already exist…
Adley said, “There has been a major push in career education by Pasco County Schools over the last few years. One of the platforms we have been promoting in all classes would be Naviance. As a ninth grader, students are requested to complete the strengths finder, which will pair careers up with what you are naturally good at. From there, each year students will be asked to identify careers they are interested in and can continue to study these fields on their own through the platform. As the career specialist, I go in classrooms when available to help with course registration where we guide students what courses to take based on what they plan to study.”
She added, “Career push is also done through the various CTE programs we offer on campus. At CCHS, students can enroll in business, engineering, criminal justice, journalism, or digital photography courses. These courses involve certifications which can help guide where they might go after high school.”
In addition she said, “In addition, we offer field trips showcasing specific careers for juniors and seniors. Next week, we have a group of seniors who will be attending Construction Day to explore the different careers in this field.”
Finally she said, “I see that many students end up changing their majors in college, but that is because we don’t have access to every single career in high school. Students have to advocate for themselves and sign up for internships and programs we offer at the school. Many students do not read their emails and we can’t force that, sadly. I have some great programs coming up with Orlando Health, USF Nursing internship, and an Aviation program. All programs can be found in my college and career hub!”
A possible solution for schools, not only Cypress Creek, but many others who may also stand in the same position, is to ensure that the students are aware of these opportunities and encourage them to follow through with them! This way, students will realize they have plenty of opportunities to become successful and no misunderstandings will be involved!
“I wish our school would provide more fun electives, maybe like cooking or subjects that will help you in the future a little bit more than they provide now at school,” said freshman Mia DeVane.
She then added,
“Like classes that would be more useful than writing essays and stuff because depending on the job you get, what you learn in high school might not even help because when you go to college you learn whatever you need to for the job that you’re gonna get.”
Freshman Isaiah Rivera spoke on a similar take as DeVane. He said, “I feel like we should be learning more about what’s actually gonna go on in life not just about math and science and stuff. Cause really that only helps with certain careers.”
According to studyfinds.org., “Researchers found the average educated American forgets about 40% of what they learned, and uses just 37% of the knowledge and skills in their everyday lives on average.”
Based on the studies and opinions of these Freshman, requiring classes that apply to basic human skills that are essential for life can be very beneficial in preparation for the future.
Recently, the state of Florida has taken a large step forward in requiring financial literacy for all students. This futuristic step has created joy for the students as they are beginning to feel more confident and prepared for the financial aspect in their adulthood.
“Financial literacy is so important and it’s so important that we, as students, learn it at a young age so we are able to manage our futures and prepare ourselves accordingly for future financial challenges in our lives as young adults,” said Freshman McKenzie Deloach.
Freshman Noah Rutherford is also in favor of this new credit requirement. He said, “I think it’s good that schools are requiring financial literacy because it’s actually something useful.
Freshman Kaden Fletcher expanded on an even greater ideal in which the addition of financial literacy may lead to. He said, “I believe that schools are making advancements, and, in the future, they will take a step forward.”
Everything stated sparks up the hope that schools, counties, states, etc are beginning to make changes that will knowingly lead to success. If these changes are kept up with accordingly, future students are guaranteed the education they deserve.
In the next section of the series, freshmen students at Cypress Creek High School speak up on Classroom Respect and Structure.