The end of the senior’s school year is approaching. We as seniors prepare as best we can. First it starts off exciting, but there is a point in time where seniors are tired and exhausted. This kind of behavior leads us to burnout. But what is burnout?
Burnout begins with school and academics. Everything can seem overwhelming, and it can feel like the world is on your shoulders. It may even feel like you can no longer cope with the emotion that you feel. Burnout brings a variety of feelings and emotions. For example, you might feel tired, or anxious and you feel like you cannot focus on anything. Everyone has experienced the typical high school senioritis.
Many of us admit that it is a real thing or (itis) in our society. Although it may be a short term (itis) and only last for a season of our lives, we have yet to figure out how to cure it. How do we cure senioritis? As seniors, we try our hardest when it comes to motivating ourselves. We soon realize that we are going to have to motivate ourselves in life as it brings all the itises. This begins with senior-itis. We get older and make our way to college-itis, after we finish college now, we suddenly have work-itis etc. The list could go on and on, so how are we going to the out of the funk? We as seniors must constantly maintain our motivation. Making sure we motivate one another, staying on top of our assignments, even trying to unwind certain days of the week, even the weekend.
Another good strategy to cure the itis said by ThoughtsCo.Com was, “It can be easy to forget how fortunate you are.” All these strategies are healthy and effective ways to cure senioritis. With a good assignment pace and taking care of your mental health by giving yourself unwind-times, you will make it!
Your family will see you walk across the stage!