The Cypress Creek Cross Country Team ran their way through this year’s season. This year’s Varsity boys are Sophomore Skylar Manatt, freshman Leonardo Medina, junior Leonardo Penella, sophomore Cole Davenport, sophomore Ethan Hopkins, sophomore Pryce Lessem, junior Ryan Forgas, sophomore Jacob Trappey, senior Alexander Carter, sophomore Joseph Carter, senior Francesco Alagna, sophomore Evan Webb, and junior Bryan Sorrell.
Cross Country is a sport that involves running over grass, hills, dirt, and fields. Cross country helps build your endurance and can help you with any other sport you may also be doing. When running, students can learn things that will help them in life- such as the importance of physical health, mental health benefits, life skills, and foundations for other sports. All the athletes had an amazing season, and the same was true for the varsity girls Sophomore Alexandria Bane, Senior Keria Lefebvre, freshman Kylie Lefebvre, freshman Emma Poekert, freshman Joslynn Rodas, sophomore Allison Wells, sophomore Giuliana Medina, And sophomore Hannah Gardiner.
“I think it’s a good sport for anybody just because it is going to give a good endurance base and help get you in shape overall. It could help with any sport. If a student is playing soccer, here they should do cross county because they run for like, 90 minutes (which is about one and a half hours) during a game,” said Coach Hoffman.
Not all cross-country runners do other sports, though. Some focus on it year-round, even when the season is over. Track tryouts start January 22, so these runners can keep focusing on what they love.
“Sometimes you only do track, sometimes you only do Cross Country. Track is a little different; the races are a lot quicker. In track you are never on grass or hills, and you get a lot more time between your races. So, some of them like that better or some of them do not. They usually tend to do both.” said Coach Rehberg.
A lot of the time the same kids return the following year for Cross Country. Cross Country can be hard especially because it is hot outside. But most kids come back and do very well and their progress is amazing. This is something the teachers and kids love to see.
“I would absolutely recommend Cross Country; it is just hot. I will admit that it is very warm during the practices, and it can be difficult, but it is extremely rewarding in the end, especially for those kids that come out for the very first time. And they never pictured themselves running anything over a mile even. With the new kids we get its good to see and have them return next year.” said Coach Rehberg.