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The Student News Site of Cypress Creek High School


The Student News Site of Cypress Creek High School


Makenzie Lachance

Makenzie Lachance, Writer/ Photographer

All content by Makenzie Lachance
The Spike. Addison Wilkes, a freshman on Cypress Creek volleyball spikes the ball on her opponents, Angelene Academy. As the ball whistled through the air, it smacked the ground, scoring the Creek a point. Wilkes had an exceptional performance in this game, which influenced Cypress to take the Win.  “I was nervous because I wanted to do well and show my team that just because I’m young I’m not any less. I was very proud of myself for how I played that game, and it was a highlight of my season.” Said freshman Addison Wilkes.

Wilkes Story

Makenzie Lachance, Writer/ Photographer
December 12, 2024
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Makenzie Lachance